A kid climbing into a Thule jogging stroller

The 8 best strollers of 2024 (yes, we actually tested them)

One of the first big purchases I made as a parent was my soon-to-be baby’s stroller. And to be honest with you… I wish I would have spent more time making the decision. There’s a lot to consider: 

  • Do you want it to grow with your family (a question I definitely should have asked, but didn’t)?
  • Do you need something big and sturdy? Or something more compact?
  • Do you need your stroller to be compatible with a certain car seat (i.e., do you need a travel system)?
  • Plan on taking a jog with it (not all strollers are joggers!)?

It can feel overwhelming, but we’re here to simplify the process. We’ve compiled a list of the best strollers of 2024, and we like to think there’s something on this list for everyone… whether you’re pining for luxury, hoping to keep up your workout regimen, or strolling on a budget:

One more thing before we dive into our list of best strollers of 2024: please note Fathercraft is reader-supported, meaning, at no cost to you, we may earn a commission if you buy after clicking an affiliate link. Learn more. Also, we are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

How to choose the best stroller for your family

With so many different types of strollers to choose from you can fit your needs with just about any one of them. First, consider your lifestyle. How big is your home, and how much storage space do you have? How often do you travel? What’s your budget?

two young children sit in side-by-side strollers, wearing sunglasses and smiling

Then, consider the age and needs of your children:

  • Age:
    • 0-6 months: Your child isn’t old enough to sit in a typical stroller seat yet, so you’ll want to make sure you have a bassinet attachment and/or that your infant carrier is compatible with your stroller (bear in mind most jogging strollers aren’t safe until your child is between 8 and 12 months–check the weight minimum!)
    • 6-12 months: Most stroller seats should work with your child!
    • Toddlers and beyond: Many toddler seats can accommodate most children up to 3 or 4 years, but you may also consider special attachments like riding boards
  • Special needs:
    • If your child has special needs, you will want to check with your medical provider for stroller recommendations
  • Number of children:
    • If you have (or plan to have) multiple children you may want a stroller with multiple seats or attachment options

Finally, consider your needs. What accessories do you need? Organizers? Cup holders? With all the different options below, you’ll find a stroller that works for baby and you.

Our top stroller picks

Without any further ado, here they are:

Most versatile stroller: The Mockingbird Single to Double

A dad attaches a second seat to the Mockingbird stroller
Adding the optional second seat to the Mockingbird

If you want to cover more than one base, the Mockingbird Single to Double gets our vote for most versatile stroller.

  • Why we love it: Built from sturdy aluminum with a utilitarian fabric pattern, cargo sling underneath, and the option to add another seat for another passenger, this stroller is like the Jack of All Trades when it comes to strollers. It’s also compatible with other makes of infant car seat with the use of an adapter (sold separately).
  • What you need to know: This stroller gets the job done right out of the box, but you could find yourself on a slippery slope when it comes to add ons.  $15 here, $30 there, you might be tempted to add another seat, cupholders, snack trays, and even footmuffs.
  • Our review: In short, a strong buy that would suit any family with plenty of room to grow. You might get nibbled to death by ducks with all the add-ons however.
  • Price & where to buy: Buy directly from Mockingbird on their website to save some money. It runs about $450 for the single and an addition $120 to add another seat.

Check Mockingbird pricing here.

Read and watch our full Mockingbird stroller review here.

Best compact stroller: The Colugo One

A baby asleep in the Colugo One at an outdoor market

This stroller might just be the one (sorry, bad pun). But seriously—it’s compact enough to quickly fold up into an airplane overhead bin, but equipped with enough features (car seat compatibility! cup holders!) to be your one and only.

  • Why we love it: The Colugo One can go everywhere. The market? Obviously (see the above picture). The mall? Sure. An airplane. Why not? Big city stroll? This is the one. Plus, it’s a smooth ride for baby and boasts many of the same features as larger strollers, like the car seat attachments (in the picture above, the little one is sitting in a Nuna carseat). We can break it down with one hand, but we don’t need to worry about it literally breaking.
  • What you need to know: Colugo has another compact stroller (appropriately named the Colugo Compact) that’s a bit cheaper. But the Compact doesn’t have the same car seat compatibility featured by the One. So, if that’s important to you, it may be worth the extra buck to get the lastest and greatest from this brand.

Read our review of the Colugo Compact if you’re interested in that option.

  • Our review: If you need a stroller small enough to fit basically anywhere, and you don’t care about the fancier, bigger strollers (see Uppababy for a good contrast), the Colugo One is perfect for you.
  • Price & where to buy: You can buy directly from Colugo’s website for $395 and receive free shipping and a 100-day trial. Until recently, Colugo was a direct-to-consumer brand, but you can now also buy the stroller on Amazon and at Target for the same price.

Shop Colugo One on Colugo’s website

Shop for the Colugo One at Target

Shop for the Colugo One on Amazon

Best jogging stroller: Thule Urban Glide 2

A close-up shot of the Thule handle
You can just feel the gentle breeze flowing through that mesh, cooling your child, as your sculpted calf muscles power you past even kid-less runners at the local park

For the parent who just can’t sit still or enjoys the rush of the wind through their hair, the Thule Urban Glide 2 (Amazon) is our pick for best jogging stroller of 2024. 

  • Why we love it: This stroller is an absolute beast when it comes to jogging strollers. With 18″ rear wheels and a 16″ front wheel, this tricycle design lets you cover lots of ground on your daily run over just about any kind of ground. It features a handbrake, spoked wheels, and the harness keeps your kid where you buckled them, so no more surprise exits!
  • What you need to know: Like many jogging strollers, it is sturdy and built for speed more than maneuverability with a fixed front wheel. Also more expensive than the BOB (below). Reflectors on the body and wheels help provide visibility. Jogging with infants isn’t recommended until at least 6 months of age. Ask your pediatrician!
  • Price & where to buy: Buy from Amazon, that free Prime shipping is going to help with a big heavy box. The Glide 2 starts at $649.

Check Urban Glide 2 pricing on Amazon.

Read (and watch) our Thule Urban Glide 2 review

Go-to sturdy built jogger: The BOB Revolution

A BOB Revolution stroller in some fall leaves at a park

If the last stroller was a beast, this one is a tank. The BOB Revolution (Amazon) is another tricycle type stroller with large wheels and inflatable tires to handle the bumps in the road.

  • Why we love it: This stroller is a solid build with a handbrake, the ability to convert to a double stroller, and the ability to incorporate other brands of car seats with the use of an adapter.  The stroller is built tough for all-terrain use, whether it’s the beach, a mountain trail, or a run through the park. Also often retails for considerably less than Thule (above), our top jogging stroller pick
  • What you need to know: This stroller is heavy and cupholders come separately.  Adapters could be better marked and less confusing to use. Overall, this stroller feels a bit clunkier and didn’t ride quite as well as the Thule (above), hence why it comes in second in the jogging stroller category. But, it does the job, and there’s a reason it’s the 800-lb gorilla of the jogging stroller space …
  • Our review: Worth the price, durable, and you will use it every day, especially if you are active. It is durable and you won’t feel like you are breaking it when you collapse or open it up. Loved it!
  • Price & where to buy: You can buy this stroller on Amazon by using our affliliate link!  It helps us continue to bring you quality content and also with jelly removal. Right now it starts at $439, but lists as high as $549.

Check pricing on the BOB Revolution (Amazon).

Read (and watch) our full BOB Revolution review.

Best money-is-no-object stroller: UPPAbaby Vista V2(best luxury stroller)

We deemed the UPPABaby Vista V2 the “Cadillac of strollers” after spending some time with this absolute beauty. With leather-wrapped handles, a noticeably smoother ride, and a green-light indicator to show you when your brakes are engaged (if you’ve ever operated a stroller, you know what a big deal this is), we feel freakin’ fabulous pushing this thing around.

A stock image of the UPPAbaby Vista V2 (best luxury stroller) and bassinet
Picture of a real Fathercraft dad with a Vista V2 coming soon… apparently parents are busy or something… geeze
  • Why we love it: The Vista V2 makes things easy. The braking system is operated with a one-foot pedal (plus, you get the fancy green-light indicator), the bassinet attachment is included in the base price, and it breaks down quickly. Plus, it takes care of a few different needs. It’s compatible with our car seat (Nuna), and we used the bassinet stand to use the attachment as a secondary standalone bassinet when it wasn’t attached to the stroller.
  • What you need to know: This stroller has one genuine drawback—it’s huge. We actually found it to be a bit too big for a trip to the mall. But we used it in plenty of other environments, and we like that it can grow with our family.
  • Price & where to buy: You can buy the UPPAbaby Vista V2 on the company website for $999. It’s currently priced similarly on Amazon as well.

Shop the UPPAbaby Vista V2

Find the Vista V2 on Amazon

Best wagon stroller: The Wonderfold W2 Elite

Two children in the best wagon stroller

When if comes to wagon strollers, you might feel a little bit like you are playing Oregon Trail again with all the stuff you can haul with the Wonderfold W2 Elite. A two-passenger stroller wagon with built in sun shade that easily adjusts, all sorts of zippered storage panels, and ease of use when if comes to folding and opening on the go, you might not want to go back to a conventional stroller again once you’ve used this wagon stroller.

  • Why we love it: Not only can you carry two kids, buckled in and facing each other, this stroller wagon makes transporting a sleeping newborn simple when converted to a bassinet. With plenty of storage, leg room, and a sturdy design you can easily maneuver, your kids can enter and exit through a fun hatch, and it folds up neatly for transport.
  • What you need to know: This stroller wagon is heavy, and though it folds up, it still has a fairly large footprint which could eat up a lot of space in your vehicle. The seats are adjustable, but for laying back you have to slide the seats up, at the expense of leg room. Though the fabric is washable, it might be less time-consuming to spot clean with a wet cloth and soap than it is to dismantle the whole assembly to wash on a delicate cycle.
  • Our review: Overall a quality stroller wagon that will be a joy to use. With plenty of storage space, solid construction, and clean looks it’s a solid buy, if not on the higher end of the price scale.
  • Price & where to buy: Starting at $529, you can purchase the W2 Elite on the Wonderfold website or on Amazon.

Shop Wonderfold W2 on the Wonderfold site.

Shop Wonderfold W2 on Amazon.

Read (and watch) our full Wonderfold Wagon review.

Best umbrella stroller: Summer Infant 3D Lite

Umbrella strollers are a common staple in just about every parent’s assortment of kid gear, especially when space is a commodity and comfort can be sacrificed for portability. That isn’t to say that you can’t have those features as well as durable, quality design and the convenience built in. And that is where the Summer Infant 3D Lite (Amazon) shines as our pick for the best umbrella stroller of 2024.

  • Why we love it: It is a cut above most other umbrella strollers, with ergonomic push handles, a light yet durable aluminum frame, and cup holders, of course!  The seat is padded for comfort and features a padded, adjustable five point harness. Unlike other strollers of this type, it features a cargo area underneath the seat and four anti-shock dual wheels. And, all this comes in at just under $100.
  • What you need to know: A little on the heavy side, the Summer Infant 3D Lite weighs in at 13lbs, but the wider seat means more comfort, especially for bigger kids.  The seat features a four position recline for comfort, naps, and relaxation for your passenger.  A sunshade keeps your little one protected from the elements when outside. While this stroller is cheaper than the others on our list, it’s not the lowest-price umbrella stroller you can find (and there’s a reason for that—build quality is better).
  • Price & where to buy: Purchase from Target or on Amazon.  Prices start at $99.99.

Shop Summer Infant 3D Lite on Amazon.

Shop Summer Infant 3D Lite at Target.

Best budget stroller: Graco FastAction Fold Sport Travel System

The Graco FastAction Fold Sport comes from a pedigree of tried and tested strollers and other kid gear from mega baby brand Graco.  This quick-folding, tricycle type stroller is more like the Honda Civic of strollers compared to the Bee6 above.  But it does come with cupholders, a sunshade, and snack tray.

  • Why we love it: It’s a combo! (Exploding head emoji 🙂 ) Meaning: this is both a stroller and a car seat, and they work together! Not only do you save money buying as a package, you’ll also get to experience the joy of taking your sleeping baby out of the car and putting her in the stroller without disturbing her slumber — the car seat clicks into a base that stays in your car, and clicks into the stroller base, too.
  • What you need to know: While this stroller’s wheels are marketed as ‘off road’, we found that to be a stretch. Big rocks and sidewalk bumps can bring the front wheels to a grinding halt.
  • Price & where to buy: Purchase on Amazon.com through our affiliate link!  Prices start at around $330.

Shop Graco FastAction Fold Sport (travel system) at Amazon.

Shop directly on Graco’s website.

Read our Graco FastAction Fold Sport review

Best double stroller (and best stroller for twins)

Our pick for best double stroller goes to a familiar favorite—the Mockingbird single-to-double. Yep, our pick for best overall is also our pick for best double. And for good reason. In addition the what we mentioned above, the Mockingbird has a key double stroller design — it is NOT a side-by-side design. Allow us to shoot you straight—side by side doubles are enormously wide. They’ll drive you crazy trying to Tetris them through doors, they’ll take up the whole sidewalk and cause dogs walking the other way to try and jump into traffic … we could go on. But, just don’t. Get a Mockingbird instead.

A close-up shot of the criss-cross pattern on the Mockingbird stroller
  • What to know. Mockingbird does get pricey when adding a second seat (which is why it’s nice you can do it later if you only have one baby right now). Learn more about the Mockingbird stroller by reading our review.
  • Price and where to buy. A Mockingbird with a second seat kit retails for $595. You can buy it from the Mockingbird website and Target (note you need to add the second seat kit separately. And you might need to use the search function on Target’s site to find it if you go that route.

Honorable mentions in the double stroller category go to the Wonderfold W2, also mentioned above (though note your kids need to be old enough to sit up on their own for this option), and, for you hardcore running parents out there, BOB does make the Duallie, and absolute beast of a double jogging stroller. Find wide paths for running and prepare to see pedestrians jump for their lives like you’re living a car chase scene in a Bond movie.

Other stroller shopping considerations

Chances are you’re going to be using this stroller through the majority of your child’s early years. Be warned, though—strollers multiply like rabbits, so start with two at your own risk. And unlike random pens and hair ties, strollers can take up a lot of room. Choosing the right stroller will help you cover as many bases as you can without having to add a stroller parking garage to your home. Like any good tool in your garage (or kitchen) a stroller should be good for more than one specific purpose, otherwise, you’ll have a surplus of the things in no time at all. Pay attention to durability, too, if you plan on using your stroller for more than one kid over the years.

Looking for more? Check out all of our stroller reviews here. We’ve also included our best strollers from last year here for your viewing pleasure:

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