The perfect monitor: a baby monitor buying guide
Avoid what's hard:
- You don't know what features to look for
- Amazon reviews can be misleading
- There’s no one perfect monitor for everyone
- Price doesn’t always equate to quality

Get the info you need to buy with confidence.

Here’s the bad news: there are dozens and dozens of baby monitors to choose from. And when you’re shopping for baby monitors, you can spend hours and hours researching them and still not walk away with a clear answer on what will work best.
The only way to really know what can stand up to the rigors of real-world use is to actually use baby monitors like you do in the real world — every night. In the middle of the night. During naps. At grandma’s house. While trying to do conference calls … you get the picture.
And that’s exactly what we’ve done. We’ve spent the past 4 years battle testing 25+ baby monitors. These aren’t “oh let’s set it up and spend a few minutes poking around the app” type tests. This is “use it for months as our primary monitor” type testing.
(Oh and by “we” we mean mostly Fathercraft’s John Doht, the guy in all our YouTube videos who once heard from his wife “no more monitors in this house until you get rid of some first”)
Sample the buying guide before you buy
John and Andrew Tui from Dadverb tackle your FAQs
We’ve racked up over 1,100,000 views on our YouTube channel's baby monitor reviews
And we get asked the same questions over and over again:

Are you shopping for a monitor? Meet our newest video buying guide:
Choosing the Perfect Baby Monitor
Choose the Perfect Monitor is a video baby monitor buying guide built for parents and parents-to-be.
Get the facts so you can buy with confidence.

Learn from 4 in-depth videos & 2 fact-packed PDF guides:
- Most important features to consider
- Wifi or radio frequency?
- Picture quality comparison with a gnome figurine
- What to expect with setting up & mounting options
- App walk-throughs
- Background audio and when it matters
- Wtf is a Canadian chandelier

Oh… and we got some help from a very knowledgable friend...
Meet Andrew Tiu. AKA Dadverb. Andrew’s been reviewing baby monitors for years. He’s got a YouTube channel focused on baby and kid product reviews with over 70,000 subscribers. He’s kind of a big deal, and he knows his stuff.
In Choose the Perfect Monitor, Andrew and John sit down for an in-depth discussion on baby monitor FAQs.
So, get Choose the Perfect Monitor today, get all the videos, the bonus Q&A with Andrew Tiu, and get peace of mind you’re choosing the best fit for your family.