Father's ed reviews

What parents are saying about Father's Ed

Testimonials from parents

The course videos are hilarious and informative.
— Charles M.
I find myself stopping in the middle of the videos to start knocking things off that you suggest.
— Josh E.
The discussions with Dr. Barnett have gone a long way towards helping us feel more confident about sleep.
— Chris F.
My wife didn’t think she was going to get into it with me, but turns out she is hooked.
— Steven C.
As a physician myself, I could not be more thrilled that there is a logical, science based educational offering for expecting parents.
— Bryan S.
The course is very well organized and presented in a good format. I'm especially thankful that it's geared towards dads and I loved the emphasis on safe sleep.
— Sean A.


We absolutely love it.

John is very entertaining too. In comparison to the class at the hospital, we found that the material is not as similar as we thought. The hospital provided a scientific perspective of pregnancy and what women should expect,

Father’s Ed has covered everything in between.

The module discussing wills and insurance was fantastic and not nearly as painful as John said it would be, and the gear module was very informative. I really appreciate the messages about safe sleep too.

Picture of Steven C.

Steven C.


These modules are great.

I even watched some videos twice, there’s so much useful information. It’s even better how real you guys keep it.  I went from a nervous wreck to not being afraid of what was coming next, and I have to thank you guys for that.

I feel more and more confident.

The website along with the workbook has made things so smooth for me, my wife even jokingly asked if I had children before or if I read some baby books. I treated Fathercraft almost like a frat, lol. 

Picture of Kendal O.

Kendal O.


I am so happy I purchased the course.

Father’s Ed has exactly the type of information I was hoping to get. A lot of the admin prep I never would have thought of until our baby was born, and the module on healthcare and doctors visits is just so damn good. John’s delivery is spot on too.

The videos are informative and entertaining,

I’ve been using all the checklists in the Father’s Ed workbook and have been using it regularly to look up information. Now that the baby is here, it’s been very handy as a quick reference or for a deeper dive into a topic when necessary. Fathercraft to the rescue again!

Picture of Sam K.

Sam K.


Kristin and I got a great deal of confidence

from your course, which really did help us feel more prepared as we freaked out that the baby decided to arrive so early. We had our go bags practically packed, we knew how to navigate inside the hospital, we exhausted our OB/GYN with questions thanks to you, and we already had most of the essential gear ready to go at home!

The thing that helped me most immediately

believe it or not, is when John talked about the six main reasons babies cry. Completely true and laying that out ahead of time reduces the “uh ohh” factor in trying to discern what a newborn’s cry might signify. I’m a proud and slightly more confident new Dad.

Picture of Scott N.

Scott N.

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Emails from moms

Father's Ed video reviews

Scott and Kristin
Sam and Anna

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